Thursday, July 21, 2011

Socks Socks!!!

Design A & B

A Wider Range of socks socks for u to select...
$2.90 per pair
4 pairs for $10
(min 2 pairs for delivery)

Design C & D

Design E & F

Design G & H

Design I & J

Design K & L

Design M & N

Design O & P

Design Q & R

Freebies Time (Jul/Aug 2011)

In the mths of July/Aug
Dear frenz of Luv 3112...I found this cute iPhone memo pad really interesting & to show my gradtitude to my supporters, I wld b giving away this memo pad for free so long that u make a $50 purchase in the mth of July & Aug...=) I realise my customers haf been really shy as they dun comment directly on my show more comments if can k..keke!!! thks everyone for the support!!!=)

Cute Baby Headbands

Cute Baby Headbands
1 for $8.80
3 for $24

Design 1
(only pink color available)

Design 2
Available colors- pink/dark pink/yellow/ white

Design 3
Available colors- Pink/Blue

Design 4
Available colors-Red/Pink/Dark Pink

Design 5
Available colors- Grey/Blue/Pink

Design 6
Available colors-Pink/Dark Pink/Red/White

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Something to share...

It's a sleepless nite...dunno brain is so active tt it dun allow mi to slp at this I decided to sort out my admin stuffs, tidy up my records b4 all messed up by my mischievous boy & share some happenings wif u guys...time really flies, I remember starting up this website wen my Lebron is 1.5mths old & now, growing happily & actively..he's 8mths old!!! It's been a tiring task to be a stay hme mummy especially wen u r too demanding to urself, wanting everything to be perfectly in plc for the family...I'm glad tt I am having more time to do my own he's able to run ard the hse n thankfully I muz baby Lebron has been a really sweet boy, greeting me wif his charming smile every morning wen he wakes up, smiling at me wen I detected the ordour of his poopoo, he doesnt cry much unless he's hungry for food..he's quite easily pacified I muz say...

This is my cute Lebron!!! The pics are taken when he's 7 mth old...this clever boy currently noes how to climb up to our bed without support n doing the same ''stunt'' numerous times each dae..he'll call out for ''neinei'' when he desperately needs to b fed, crawling to the bathroom wen his dad is taking his shower after coming back from work, banging the door n shouting for him..keke...wat a sweet son i haf...honestly, being a parent, who will not feel proud of their own kids if they are doing long that they are happy & healthy...seeing them developing each dae is so much fun & vivid...he's now on solids (in fact, he started since he's 5.5mths old but purely on cereals),now he begins eating more variety of fd prepared by my dear mummy, he seems more hungry than ever these matter how much u prepare for him, he wld joyously finish em @ fast speed...When I am typing all these, I feel so proud of his progress & I am really grateful to have him by my side, brightening up my daes n my whole life...I LUV U LEBRON!!! U R MUMMY'S XING GAN BAO BEI!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Nice Design Tissue Boxes

All Tissue Boxes wld be selling @
1 for $9.90
2 for $18
3 for $25

Other Cutie Stuffs

Blow Up Rubber Pooh Bear
$34.90 each

Cute Baby Soft Toys
Giraffe/ Dinosaur
$16.90 each

Magnetic Alphabets Set (A-Z)
$9.90 each

Gold Bar Stopper cum Paper Weight
$16.90 each

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Very adorable designs...
$3.50 per pair Or
$19.90 per pack (comes in 6 designs a pack with Free Pororo Pencil Case!!!)

Pororo Traffic Play
Selling @ $19.90 per set!
Fun & Ideal to train our babies' mobility!=)


Pororo Picnic Bicycle
So Cute & Unique as compared too wat's common in the mkt!!!
Definitely getting one for my dear Lebron!
Selling @ $58.90 each

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Baby Bib Clips/ Pacifier Clips/ Bottle Holder Strips

Bib Cilps
Comes in 8 designss
strawberry, tomato, orange, milk bottle,
red can, basketball, football & mushroom!!!
very adorable designs...something special for our babies...
$8.80 each or 3 for $24

 Baby Pacifier Clips
Comes in 6 designs
strawberry, mushroom, football, tomato, orange & milk bottle
$8.80 each or 3 for $24

 Bottle Holder Strip
comes in 6 designs
strawberry, tomato, orange, panda, red bottle & mushroom
$10.90 each

Keyboard Cup Sets

Very Creative Design!!!
Comes in 3 colors: white / black / mixed
Black & White selling @ $18 per set
Mixed color selling @ $16.90 per set